LTK creator

LTK creator

Collaborate with the brand that you love, grow with a community of 200K global creators and start earning. Available in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
  • Earn 45% commission every time your audience shops via your unique link
  • Make money while building your following and engagement on your social media channels
  • Get featured on our social media platforms when you create amazing content
  • A personalised shop on LTK, with visibility to 300K+ monthly shoppers in the LTK App.
Shopify Collabs

Shopify Collabs

We’re passionate about connecting with creators like yourself who help share our story. We want you to share your love of our products with your followers and get paid for it!
  • Earn 10% commission every time your audience shop via your unique discount code/link
  • Your followers will get a discount code
  • Make money while building your following and engagement on your social media channels
  • Get featured on our social media platforms when you create amazing content
How often are payouts?
Payments are made monthly, however these can be rolled over to the next month if earnings are low.
Does everyone get approved?
Unfortunately not everyone can be approved. We are looking for creators who are passionate about our brand and create great content.
What if my profile is private?
If your profile is private, our team won't be able to vet your content and therefore you won't be a successful candidate. This will also hinder your chances of making sales and earning commission.
Product Testing Club

Product Testing Club

Mermade Hair Product Testing Club allows you to trial and test new products for free! We'll send you free products in exchange for your honest feedback, product reviews, before and after photos and video content. Product Testing Club is super exclusive and only available to a small number of members per year. Submit your application today!
  • Be a part of Mermade Hair Product Testing Club 
  • Receive new products every quarter to trial and test for free 
  • Share your honest feedback with the Mermade Hair team
  • Create and share content of the products you try 
  • Receive an exclusive discount code for 30% off Mermade Hair
  • Earn 20% commission on sales via your affiliate code and/or link
How do I apply?
Simply fill out the application form with your details and answer the questions. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis and if you are successful you will be notified by email. 
Does everyone get approved?
Unfortunately not everyone can be approved. We only have limited spots available per year and these spots are in high demand. If you miss out one year, we encourage you to reapply in the future. 
What are the requirements?
Members of our Product Testing Club receive products to trial and test for free. In exchange, members agree to share their feedback, post product reviews, before and after images and video content.
I have other questions about Product Testing Club?
If you have any questions or would like to follow up your application, email
Professional Educators

Professional Educators

Calling all hairdressers, stylists, MUAs and industry experts. We are giving you the opportunity to test products, earn commission and get paid for content creation. Get creative with your passion, educate your followers, connect with your clients and build your brand! Get in touch by emailing us via the link below!

  • Test products first and be a part of content creation
  • Earn commission every time your audience uses your unique discount code
  • Your followers will get a discount code
  • Make money while building your following and engagement on your social media channels
  • Have flexible payment options: You either receive your payment via PayPal or receive your Mermade Hair voucher
  • Earn rewards with every major milestone that you achieve
  • Be the first to know about any upcoming product launches and campaigns
How often are payouts?
What if I have a home salon?
That's totally fine! As long as you can work, you can earn!
What content should I produce?
You can produce anything from Instagram Reels to YouTube videos. The sky is the limit!
Salon Partners

Salon Partners

We love hair, probably just as much as you do! Which is why we think your salon and MH would be a match made in heaven. All our products are engineered with advanced technology and high-grade materials making them perfect for professional use as well as the everyday person. Stock, sell and get creative with your clients!

  • Stockist listing on our website
  • Stock, sell and build your revenue streams
  • Wholesale salon pricing
  • Access to all designs, imagery and content to share
  • Access to exclusive stockist deals, campaigns, releases and new products
How fast is shipping?
Standard shipping can take 3-10 business days, whereas express shipping can take 2 days.
Where do you ship from?
We have warehouses across the globe in Australia, New Zealand, London, Nevada and New Jersey
Can I request visual merchandise?
Definitely! We would be happy to assist with any VM requests.
Affiliate Program

Affiliate Program

Are you a Mermade Hair fan as well as a blogger, content creator, Instagram influencer, YouTuber creator, TikTok fanatic, or just passionate about social media in general? Our Affiliate Program lets you hone in on your creativity while earning commission just by promoting the brand you love!

  • Earn commission every time your audience uses your unique discount code
  • Your followers will get a discount code
  • Make money while building your following and engagement on your social media channels
  • Have flexible payment options: You can either receive your payment via PayPal or receive a Mermade Hair voucher
  • Earn rewards with every major milestone that you achieve
  • Be the first to know about any upcoming product launches and campaigns
  • Get featured on our social media platforms when you create amazing content
How often are payouts?
Payments are made monthly, however these can be rolled over to the next month if earnings are low.
Does everyone get approved?
Unfortunately not everyone can be approved. We are looking for creators who are passionate about our brand and creates great content.
What if my profile is on private?
If your profile is on private, our team won't be able to vet your content and therefore you won't be a successful candidate. This will also hinder your chances of making sales and earning commission.
Become a Stockist

Become a Stockist

Whether you’re an online retailer or a brick-and-mortar, you can stock and sell the world’s fastest selling original Waver, best-selling hot tools and accessories. Available for small and large businesses with no minimum order quantity. Get in touch by emailing us via the link below!

  • Stockist listing on our website
  • Wholesale pricing
  • Access to all designs, imagery and content to share
  • Access to exclusive stockist deals, campaigns, releases and new products
Are there shipping costs?
Orders under $1,000 AUD will incur a freight charge of $19AUD + GST.
Where do you ship from?
We have warehouses in Australia, New Zealand, New Jersey, Nevada and London.
How do I place my order?
It's simple! Head to the Mermade Hair website and shop as per normal. When you reach checkout, enter the discount code that our orders team have given you, and just like that you've got wholesale pricing.