Afterpay Australian Fashion Week 2021 Hair Roundup
The much-anticipated Afterpay Australian Fashion Week (finally) came, and it did not disappoint! With 2020 cancelled due to COVID, we were very interested to see what hair trends 2021 was going to bring. One thing was clear this year, effortless low-maintenance styles are definitely in!
We’ve rounded up the top 5 hair styles of AAFW 2021
Suzan Mutesi (@suzan_mutesi)

Kate Waterhouse (@katewaterhouse7)

Tara Chandra (@tarachandra_)

Yan Yan Chan (@_yanyanchan)

Vera Blue (@verabluemusic)

Plus if you missed Natalie Anne (@natalieannehair) creating this look on Em Davies (@emdavies___), we've attached it below!