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In the Media

Frustrating shopping trip behind Mermade Hair Waver idea

Frustrating shopping trip behind Mermade Hair Waver idea

Frustrating shopping trip behind Mermade Hair Waver idea

Frustrating shopping trip behind Mermade Hair Waver idea

‘Terrible’ at hair, this Perth mum’s frustrating shopping experience prompted her to come up with a tool loved by celebs and shoppers alike. The idea for Mermade Hair came by chance to Tara Simich ...

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This Kardashian-approved hair tool gives perfect beachy waves

This Kardashian-approved hair tool gives perfect beachy waves

You know the perfectly textured curls you’re rewarded with after a swim in the sea? Taking inspo from California surfer girls, beachy waves are the more relaxed sister of the pre-Raphaelite curls t...

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