Artikel: 27 Nordstrom Products That'll Instantly Make You Feel More Put-Together

27 Nordstrom Products That'll Instantly Make You Feel More Put-Together
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6. A Mermade Hair Waver for a practically effortless way to style your hair into gorgeous beachy waves — and in about 10 minutes or less! Simply separate your hair into sections, clamp down for a few seconds, and wait. Absolutely zero twirling strands around a large barrel.
Promising review: "This iron is AWESOME. My hair was out of this world stunning, and then I got in the ocean to go back home and poof, the gorgeous mermaid waves were gone. I was a bit disappointed, because the item name makes it seem like this would work on me too...So, if you are a mermaid/merman or mer-they, this only works on land and not at home. Which can be cool when you're trying to snag your Eric, but not when you take him home to meet your dad." — SherrieOrzel